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Understanding Inheritance Tax in the UK: Key Considerations

on 27-Jun-2024 16:41:02 By | Kings Court Trust |
Inheritance Tax (IHT) is a significant concern for many families in the UK. With frozen thresholds and increasing property values, more estates are subject to this tax. This blog explores the essentials of IHT and offers insights into mitigating its impact. While we are experts in estate administration, we do not provide financial advice. Our goal is to assist you with the probate process and estate administration.
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What is a Trustee in a Will?

on 26-Jan-2024 17:00:57 By | Charlotte Toogood |
When creating a Will, it’s important to consider who will be taking care of your estate upon your death. There are many roles involved in the estate administration process that may include the named Executor(s) and Trustee(s). In this blog, we will explain the role of a Trustee in a Will, how they are appointed, and the difference between Trustees, Executors, and beneficiaries.
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What is a Deed of Appointment in probate?

on 22-Jun-2023 10:21:58 By | Nigel Merchant |
During the probate and estate administration processes, you may come across unfamiliar jargon; this could include Trusts, Trustees, and Deeds of Appointment. This blog will provide an overview of what a Deed of Appointment is and how it relates to Trusts and probate.
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What is a Nil Rate Band Discretionary Trust?

on 09-Mar-2023 09:34:06 By | Charlotte Toogood |
When writing your Will, you may include a Trust for certain portions of your estate, such as cash gifts or property. Alternatively, you may be acting as an Executor or Trustee for a Will that includes a Trust.
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Inheritance Law Changes Mean Parents May Be Forced to Rewrite Wills

on 25-Mar-2013 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
Many parents may have to redraft their wills to protect their children's future under proposed inheritance legislation changes, the Law Society has cautioned.
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What is a Trust?

on 11-Mar-2013 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
Many Wills may have a Trust written into them but there is often confusion surrounding the reasons why it has been included and what it actually means. Jean Massih, Legal Assistant at Kings Court Trust, explains…
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