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How does gifting work? – Inheritance Tax edition

on 22-Jul-2024 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
If you missed our social media gifting series from June and July,we've consolidated all our posts and are taking the opportunity to delve deeper into the nuances of Inheritance Tax (IHT) and gifting.
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Understanding Inheritance Tax in the UK: Key Considerations

on 27-Jun-2024 16:41:02 By | Kings Court Trust |
Inheritance Tax (IHT) is a significant concern for many families in the UK. With frozen thresholds and increasing property values, more estates are subject to this tax. This blog explores the essentials of IHT and offers insights into mitigating its impact. While we are experts in estate administration, we do not provide financial advice. Our goal is to assist you with the probate process and estate administration.
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An overview of Inheritance Tax and gifting

on 13-Feb-2024 09:56:22 By | Nigel Merchant |
When estate planning or dealing with the estate of someone who has died, you may have to handle Inheritance Tax (IHT).
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Understanding Inheritance Tax and allowances

on 26-Aug-2021 11:45:50 By | Charlotte Toogood |
Inheritance Tax (IHT) can be a difficult concept to comprehend, especially for those who have never had to attempt the complex process of dealing with a loved one’s taxable estate before. To put it simply, IHT is a tax that is paid upon an estate of someone who has died.
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Charity Income From Gifts In Wills Increase By Nearly 10%

on 28-Aug-2014 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
We were very happy to discover recently that Legacy Foresight figures showed its members received a combined income of £1.16 billion in the 12 months leading to June of this year, Third Sector reports. Legacy Foresight are analysts of the legacy and in-memoriam sectors and gather data from 67 charities.
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